Less than two weeks after the death of Prince, the the Artist Collective of West Virginia held a lovely tribute exhibition to honor the pop icon.  Officially titled "Royal Devotion", each of the pieces in the show was created by regional artists and directly inspired by Prince.  A punch bowl full of vokda and a tasty grape concoction ("purple rain") was free to all visitors.  Paintings were purchased, memories of the music legend exchanged.

Here are some photos of some art on display, information about the artists, and a few other snapshots.

Rachel GreenleeRock 'n Roll Love Affairoil on canvas

Rachel Greenlee
Rock 'n Roll Love Affair
oil on canvas

Steve PavlovicThe Artistacrylic on canvas

Steve Pavlovic
The Artist
acrylic on canvas

Miss Jess PoodlePurple Rainacrylic on canvas

Miss Jess Poodle
Purple Rain
acrylic on canvas

Larry WhittingtonPrince Effigyoil on canvas

Larry Whittington
Prince Effigy
oil on canvas

John Michael BaroneAbove the Minneapolis Soundacrylic on canvas

John Michael Barone
Above the Minneapolis Sound
acrylic on canvas

Eric CainUntitledacrylic on canvas

Eric Cain
acrylic on canvas
