This is Valerie.  She's a West Virginia veteran, model, and genuinely good person.  It's nice to hang out with someone who can talk about guns, video games and fantasy worlds with equal enthusiasm.  After a longer-than-expected hike out along Cheat Lake in Morgantown, we shot four looks in the same area. 

Gun lovers:  Don't forget to check out the AR build at the end.  And Valerie wants to make sure people know that the mag is not resting on the ground in that prone shot.  :)

During this first shoot, a butterfly approached Valerie and began to flit around her, hovering just in front of her face.  After a few moments, it landed on her nose.  She giggled like a kid (without realizing it I think), then laid back on the rock with her new friend.  The butterfly stayed right there on her nose for more than 5 minutes.  It was pretty magical.

